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About Us!

How we started

In December of 2013 I went to Australia. While in Australia I visited where I visited Phillip Island, home of the Little Penguins. You can read more about them on "the Penguins" page. They were my inspiration for the program. It all started from there! 


Why we do this?
We do this to bring comfort to children who have been hospitalized. The penguins are there for the patients if they feel like they need someone to hug. As a child I got my foot run over by a car and in the ambulance they gave me a bear to hug, which made me feel better. I wanted other children to have experiences like this. 


Who we are?

We are a small group of stundents and adults (family and people who are part of the knitting group at the hospital) who are trying to bring comfort to hospitalized children. At school the students learn how to knint and then knit sweaters for the plush penguins during a lunchtime club. Anyone who desires can knit a sweater for a penguin. 

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